
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Bring It On 2018

I have been slack on my blog posts. This is my first one in a really long time. I find it easier to post to Facebook. Well, 2018 is here and I am trying to keep to my resolutions. Resolution Number 1 is to write a Facebook post each day, so far I have failed at this. I am trying really hard though.

Something happened this morning that has prompted this post. I went to put on one of my favorite pair of jeans and they were too TIGHT! This brings me to Resolution Number 2, to lose weight.  It is time to get serious with my exercise and diet programs. I attend a boot camp 2 mornings a week and typically exercise the other days as well. Vacations, holidays and weather have sidetracked me and now my pants are too tight. 

I have decided to join Weight Watchers since it will allow me to eat everyday foods. My husband even agreed to do this with me. I am sharing this with all of you so I can be held accountable. I will be starting this program on February 1st. I have already signed up and am spending the next week on researching recipes and preparing shopping lists. I am really excited about this adventure and I hope you guys will cheer me on and hold me accountable. I will be periodically posting updates here and on the Facebook page. 

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